The California Association of Health and Education Linked Professions (CAHELP) recognizes the importance of the World Wide Web as an effective communication method to inform the public about issues impacting special education and mental health, and services provided by CAHELP. To enhance communication and the delivery of information and resources to students, parents/guardians, member local education agencies, and the community, the CAHELP shall design, develop, and maintain websites. The use of such websites shall support the organization's mission, strategic initiatives and objectives, and shall be coordinated with other organizational goals and communication plans.
The CAHELP does not assume any responsibility or liability for the content that may be present within external Web sites linked to and from this site that are operated or created by or for organizations outside of CAHELP. The linking to or from this site does not imply on the part of CAHELP or any of its schools any guarantee of quality, the assumption of liability or endorsement of the organizations maintaining external Web sites.
Those organizations are solely responsible for the operation of their website and quality of the content including advertisements, links, media, images, and text that they may deem appropriate.